Anchor Bay Films releases the first season of the hilarious IFC sketch comedy show “The Birthday Boys: The Complete First Season” on DVD August 5th. The two-disc set contains all 10 episodes of the series that comes from executive producers Bob Odenkirk (“Breaking Bad,” “Mr. Show”) and Ben Stiller (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, “The Ben Stiller Show”). The “Boys” are a Los Angeles comedy group that originally made a name for themselves at UCB LA and the Just For Laughs Festival by serving up unique skits that are sometimes surreal, sometimes silly, but always funny.
IFC’S “The Birthday Boys:
The Complete First Season”
ON DVD August 5, 2014
All 10 Episodes Plus Tons Of Bonus Features!
Beverly Hills, CA – Anchor Bay Films releases the first season of the hilarious IFC sketch comedy show “The Birthday Boys: The Complete First Season” on DVD August 5th. The two-disc set contains all 10 episodes of the series that comes from executive producers Bob Odenkirk (“Breaking Bad,” “Mr. Show”) and Ben Stiller (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, “The Ben Stiller Show”). The “Boys” are a Los Angeles comedy group that originally made a name for themselves at UCB LA and the Just For Laughs Festival by serving up unique skits that are sometimes surreal, sometimes silly, but always funny. The release also contains 45 minutes of bonus features including audio commentaries, behind the scenes, bonus videos and promos. The SRP is $29.98.
“The Birthday Boys: The Complete First Season” with a nod to absurd yet intelligent legacy sketch shows “Monty Python”, “Mr. Show” and “Kids in the Hall”, the series appropriates familiar scenarios and classic TV, film and sketch archetypes with a fresh take. Drawing from the unique collaboration between Odenkirk and The Birthday Boys as writers, directors and performers, “The Birthday Boys” features both stand-alone and multi-act sketches that poke fun at real-life moments and cultural touchstones. From Steve Jobs and the rise of the personal computer, Lance Armstrong and the prevalence of performance-enhancing drugs, to the hardships of trying to keep up with too many shows on your DVR - the series takes a hilariously skewed perspective on everyone’s shared experiences.
Bonus Features Include:
- Audio Commentaries
- The Making Of Season One
- From Stage To Screen
- Bonus Videos
- Promos
Order your copy today!
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