Reviewed by: Jami Ferguson

Film (2 out of 5 stars)
Roberts is Robert Wodroffe, president of the United States. He is very close with a canine pal, Teddy,
the first dog. During a dedication of a
high school in his name, an attempt is made on the president's life. The President escapes uninjured but Teddy is
lost in the confusion. Teddy runs away
from the high school and heads to a Petco pet store. The employees chase him and Teddy runs onto a
dog food truck which takes him all the way to California. On board air force one, the first lady suggests
alerting the media. The president is
afraid that the phone lines will be flooded with calls from all over the
country with false claims, or worse someone will hold Teddy ransom.
befriends a young foster boy Danny (John-Paul Howard). Danny loves his new friend Teddy, but calls
the phone number on his tag and realizes he belongs to the president. Danny feels he must return Teddy to the White
House because it's "the right thing to do." He sets off across the
country to return the lost dog. Danny
starts off with kids headed for Vegas confusing New York New York with New York
State. After texting causes an accident,
he tries to buy a bus ticket. When that
plan fails he heads to a local gas station to buy some food and secret service
gets wind of him. He next stows away on
a band's tour bus, but runs away from the helpful band members who want to call
the sheriff. An aspiring country
singer/waitress facilitates a ride with a truck (Tommy "Tiny" Lister)
who turns out to have also been a foster child. Danny is forced to run again and is picked
up by a nice woman and her not so nice companion who turn out to be running
from the law themselves. As expected
with this type of film, there is a happy but not at all believable ending.
First Dog
is clearly meant to be a feel good family film but I think they really missed
the mark. Almost every aspect of the
plot is not just implausible, but downright ridiculous. They wrote the movie to make kids laugh and
appeal to the younger generation, but I would absolutely believe it if I were
told this movie was written by an eight year old. I can see the youngster pitching ideas to the
studio like the secret service will be big scary men who chase the kid wearing
big black sunglasses or the dog will board the school bus and wear a hat and
glasses so that the bus driver thinks he's a child. The people
I've heard of (mostly B list actors or less) do a decent job with their roles,
but there are some really bad actors with small speaking roles. First it was Danny's teacher, then the bus
driver, then the country/singer waitress.
It's really distracting and doesn't help a failing film.
Video (3 out of 5 stars)
The film's transfer with its 1.78:1 aspect ratio is about what you would expect for a DVD quality-wise. There was some decent detail and the colors were distinct. The black levels were a little lighter than I would have liked but again this is a DVD so you have to cut it some slack. Skin tones were natural and consistent throughout the movie.
The film's transfer with its 1.78:1 aspect ratio is about what you would expect for a DVD quality-wise. There was some decent detail and the colors were distinct. The black levels were a little lighter than I would have liked but again this is a DVD so you have to cut it some slack. Skin tones were natural and consistent throughout the movie.
Audio (3 out of 5 stars)
First Dog's audio was pretty good for a DVD especially the songs by Dolly Parton. While this isn't the kind of movie that you would use to show off your home theater system, it does a decent job for a mostly dialogue driven movie.
First Dog's audio was pretty good for a DVD especially the songs by Dolly Parton. While this isn't the kind of movie that you would use to show off your home theater system, it does a decent job for a mostly dialogue driven movie.
Features (0 out of 5 stars)
This time I
was happy there were no special features.
I didn't enjoy the movie, and didn't want to see how it was made, or
hear from the stars. Special features
compliment a good movie, but can be kind of painful after a not so good one.
Thoughts (2 out of 5 stars)
It turns
out Eric Roberts as the President of the United States is the MOST plausible
thing about First Dog. The plot was downright ridiculous. I was hoping for a cute family film that my
three year old would enjoy but the dog in the movie isn't even cute. I don't mind a movie pushing good family values and
ideas like doing things because they are the right thing to do. First Dog repeated that concept over and over
rather than demonstrated it. I'm trying
hard to find good things to say about it, and I'm coming up blank. It just didn't entertain me and even with a short
running time, I still looked at my watch wondering if it was going to be over
Order your copy today!
hey i was in this movie as an extra so was my brother and my sister was a teen actress i just have to say this looks like a pretty good movie