Reviewed by Jami Ferguson
Learning is fun again this
holiday season as Lionsgate Home Entertainment and leader in educational
entertainment, LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc., team up to release LeapFrog:
3-DVD Learning Collection + Book this November.
The all-new gift set includes the recently released titles The Amazing
Alphabet Amusement Park, Numbers Ahoy and Learn to Read at the Storybook
Factory, plus a bonus book in one fun package, making it the perfect
present for young children to learn about the alphabet, how to count and the
basics of reading! LeapFrog: 3 DVD Learning Collection +
Book was released on November 1, 2011, for the suggested retail
price of $29.98.
I recently reviewed a Scout and Friends Leap Frog DVD so my son new exactly what
had arrived when he saw the case for the Leap Frog 3 DVD Learning
Collection. Because he recognized it,
that meant there was no living with him until we sat down and watched the
Film (4 out of 5 stars)
The Leap Frog 3 DVD Learning Collection
contains the following:
Two: Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory (Running Time Approx. 35 Minutes)
- Tag is learning to read the Three
Little Pigs story as his friends are putting on the play. We learn about sentence structure and
punctuation as well as how to read like we are talking so that it sounds
right. This DVD focuses on ready for
school skills, specifically story structure, comprehension and reading skills.
Three: Numbers Ahoy (Running Time
Approx. 35 Minutes) - The friends play the game Numbers ahoy and learn to
divide equally, rolling dice, counting and moving spaces. Counting is the most important part of the
game and they literally jump into the game to learn how to do it. Songs and visuals assist with learning
numbers. This DVD focuses on Mathematics
Skills, specifically number recognition, counting, and estimation.
All three features are really cute, and at the same time educational. They have cute, catchy songs that really assisted my preschooler with learning new concepts. What amazed me the most was that he got his notebook and pencil out and started taking notes when watching Numbers Ahoy. It's a credit to the leap frog movies how much my son pays attention to their lessons and how interactive he is. He answers all their questions and these are movies I don't mind letting him watch. There are plenty of movies I he watches that can be considered mindless entertainment but I definitely feel like the Leap Frog DVD's are helping to prepare him for school.
Video (4 out of 5 stars)
Leap Frog 3 DVD Learning Collection is presented in full screen 1.33:1
ratio. These are animated
features, comparable to the tv shows he
would see on cable (not high definition).
The colors are varied but not overly bright or vibrant at all.
Audio (4 out of 5 stars)
The Leap
Frog 3 DVD Learning Collection is presented in Dolby Digital Sound. The dialogue and songs are at a clear and
consistent level but there is nothing spectacular about the sound quality as a
Features (3 out of 5 stars)
There are a significant number of special features spread out over
the three discs but many are repeated among these discs, and other leap frog
titles. Still, my son particularly
enjoyed being able to go straight to the sing alongs, and I liked the parent
Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park has the following special features:
- Sing-Along - The Learning Path Song; Let's Rhyme!; Big Letters, Small Letters
- Short Vowel Shorts - Meg's Pet and Gus Naps
- Being A Puppy (The Scout Song)
- Cirricuculum Commentary for Parents
- Preview of Numbers Ahoy
- Trailers
- Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory has the following special features:
- Storybook - The Three Little Pigs Talking Story book With Read it to Me or Let me Read Options.
- Sing-A-Long - Animated music videos with karaoke style words on the screen for the following songs - It's Magic, Reading Just Like Talking, Punctuation, We've Still Got the Story, Finale. Songs can be chosen individually or there is a play all function.
- Numbers Ahoy has the following special features:
- Sing-Along - The Learning Path Song, Tell Me the Number, The Shark Tooth Song, The Crab Counting Song
- Short Vowel Shorts - In the Bag and The Kiss
- Being A Puppy (The Scout Song)
- Cirriculum Commentary for Parents
- Preview of the Amazing Alphabet
Thoughts (4 out of 5 stars)
Leap Frog 3 DVD Collection is the perfect blend of educational content and fun
for a 2-6 year old. My three year old is
having a great time learning. I was
unaware of the importance of upper and lowercase letters at this age. My son has always been great with numbers, so
I am particularly happy to see him
having such success with letters reading skills. The Leap Frog DVDs have introduced new
concepts like rhyming that we are able to talk about. The running times of the features are short,
between 35 and 39 minutes long and are the perfect length for my three year
old's attention span. I look forward to
finding more Leap Frog DVDs and more lessons for him to learn - and variety for
me since he keeps wanting to watch these over and over!
Order your copy today!
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