The remarkable true story of an African American go-go dancer named "Frankie" who has dissociative identity disorder (DID). She struggles to retain her true self while fighting against two very unique alter egos: a seven-year-old named "Genius" and a Southern white racist woman named "Alice." In order to stop the multiple voices in her head, Frankie (Halle Berry) works with a psychotherapist (Stellan Skarsgård) to uncover and overcome the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her, and the truth that is locked inside her mind. From the executive producers of Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, the film also features Stellan Skarsgård, Phylicia Rashad and Chandra Wilson.
Academy Award winner Halle Berry (Best Actress, Monster's Ball, 2001) "gives a tour-de-force performance" (Access Hollywood) in the riveting psychological drama, Frankie & Alice, arriving on DVD (plus Digital), Digital HD, Video on Demand and Pay-Per-View August 12 from Lionsgate Home Entertainment and Codeblack Films. Berry will "have you captivated from beginning to end" ( in her Golden Globe nominated portrayal of Frankie, a woman with multiple personalities trying to put her life back together. From the executive producers of Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, the film also features Stellan Skarsgård, Phylicia Rashad and Chandra Wilson. The Frankie & Alice DVD including a "making of" featurette, will be available for the suggested retail price of $26.98.
The remarkable true story of an African American go-go dancer named "Frankie" who has dissociative identity disorder (DID). She struggles to retain her true self while fighting against two very unique alter egos: a seven-year-old named "Genius" and a Southern white racist woman named "Alice." In order to stop the multiple voices in her head, Frankie (Berry) works with a psychotherapist (Skarsgård) to uncover and overcome the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her, and the truth that is locked inside her mind.
· "The Making of Frankie & Alice with Halle Berry"featurette
*Subject to change
Halle Berry X-Men Franchise, Die Another Day, Monster's Ball,
TV's "Extent"
Stellan Skarsgård Nymphomaniac: Vol. I, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo,
Thor: The Dark World, The Avengers
Phylicia Rashad TV's Steel Magnolias, For Colored Girls, A Raisin In The Sun
Chandra Wilson TV's "Grey's Anatomy"
Rosalyn Coleman TV's "As The World Turns," TV's "White Collar"
Joanne Baron This is 40, HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Brian Markinson Godzilla, TV's "Mad Men," TV's "Continuum"
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